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Working Groups

Working Groups(WGs) are composed of users and developers from across the INCF network working collaboratively to develop, refine, and/or implement community standards. WGs represent short-term projects that aim to achieve a concrete deliverable. The WGs also serve as forums for getting agreement and community buy-in on the use of these standards and best practices. All community members are welcome to be WG members, regardless of their location in the world. INCF gives support with group communications, coordination between groups, and assistance with logistics and outreach.

Active, Closed for joining

This project is dedicated to developing a set of automated tools and processes for extracting useful neuronal experimental data from datasets provided by the Allen Brain Institute, and converting these data into parameters that can be used for neuronal modeling on the NetPyNE platform…

Active, Closed for joining

• Implement a Project edit button, file and project rename functionality, fix edit project popup , allow editing list of notebooks , and add images to each type of notebook. • Implement support for Jupyter notebooks. Users should be able to upload, view, and edit Jupyter notebooks on…

Active, Closed for joining

To participate in the Neurobagel query federation, datasets must conform to Neurobagel’s data model, so annotating the datasets is necessary to harmonize them for query federation. The project aims to reduce the human effort to manually annotate individual data elements by automating…

Active, Closed for joining

My proposal is to implement and expand the social aspects of the project by setting up comments, sharing, following of projects/users, and messaging between users. To do this I will create a messaging interface working within the design language already implemented throughout the site…

Active, Closed for joining

With the advent of machine learning, statistical learning and modelling becoming more prevalent in today’s world, we can estimate values for an unknown data given a trained model i.e. finding value of data(D) given parameter (Θ) .Now what about the reverse? What if we want to find…

Active, Closed for joining

The proposal focuses on prospective ideas that can be employed for enhancement of the existing INCF Impact Visualization Portal. It goes into depth, explaining every idea's importance and possible way of implementation. Additionally, it proposes novel ideas, as well as ideas for…

Active, Closed for joining

This proposal aims to improve the capability of markdown exporter package inorder to cover multicompartment model, and also to support generation of p.d.f, h.t.m.l , latex file types not only this but also to follow a standard template generation using jinja2 template generation tool…

Active, Closed for joining

The project aims to refactor the Brain's unit system into a standalone package. Additionally, it aims to incorporate additional functionalities from other unit packages such as astropi (for type annotations), pint (for integration with matplotlib’s unit system), Quantiphy (for string…

Active, Closed for joining

The ‘Open Source Community Sustainability’ project is about simulating open-source community interactions to encourage conditions leading to sustainable practice. I propose to do this by creating a framework with an agent-based model powered by Large Language Models (LLMs). This…

Active, Closed for joining

The Active Segmentation Platform for ImageJ (ASP/IJ) aims to provide a general-purpose workbench that allows biologists and other domain experts to access state-of-the-art techniques in machine learning to achieve excellent image segmentation and classification. This project focuses…

Active, Closed for joining

Neurobagel is a federated data ecosystem that allows researchers and other data users to find and consume research data that has to remain at their original institute for data governance reasons. It helps researchers connect a local neuroimaging dataset with others in a decentralized…

Active, Closed for joining

TheVirtualBrain (TVB) is the first integrative neuroinformatics platform for the modeling of full brain network dynamics. TVB simulator, written in Python, enables the systematic, model-based inference of neurophysiological mechanisms on different brain scales that underlie the…

Active, Closed for joining

DevoGraph is an open-source GNN framework designed specifically for analyzing embryogenetic data. It utilizes Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) as a powerful method for revealing connectivity patterns within complex geometric datasets. My contribution to this project involves (i)…

Active, Closed for joining

The project aims to enhance the LORIS web platform, a widely used tool in neuroimaging research with databases utilized by research teams in 22 countries, by improving its data ingestion, storage, and processing capabilities for neural information. The approach includes familiarizing…

Active, Closed for joining

This project studies the development of a tiny worm called Caenorhabditis elegans, focusing on how its cells grow and interact from its early stages. It uses two special tools called Spatial Hypergraphs and Lineage Hypergraphs to map out and understand these interactions. Spatial…

Active, Closed for joining

Gesture-based music generation has existed for some years now, thanks to software such as Wekinator. However, they use machine learning methods that have been overtaken by recent Deep Learning innovations, and therefore limit the studies that can be carried out on musical creativity…

Active, Closed for joining

This project aims to build HarmonyHub, a web platform for personalized and engaging learning experiences with variable-pitch instruments like wind instruments (e.g., Trumpet, Flute, Clarinet) and bowed string instruments (e.g., Violin, Viola). Most wind and string instruments are…

Active, Closed for joining

We aim to further enhance model development with NetPyNE’s “batch” subpackage by refactoring the code base for ease of use and scalability, then use the improved batch subpackage to explore and typify the effectiveness of various search algorithms (random, population based, various…

Active, Closed for joining

The project is about incorporating new features into an existing 3D viewer which allows for visualisation of cells and networks using the NeuroML standard. Right now the viewer is limited to only viewing the model, whether it is a single cell or a complete network, but at the end of…

Active, Closed for joining

This project entails the upgrade of the existing physiopy packages, peakdet and phys2denoise, for optimized interoperability and the development of semi-automated unified physiological signal processing routines using the updated toolboxes which will largely benefit users that…

Active, Closed for joining

The proposal aims to address the issue of the expensive and inaccessible research publishing industry by leveraging modern internet-based social technology to create an open reviewing and quality-ranking web portal. The portal will facilitate manuscript submission and an automated,…

Active, Closed for joining

Neuroptimus, an open-source parameter optimization software tailored for neuroscience applications, has been instrumental in advancing the construction and optimization of biologically detailed models, utilizing algorithms such as evolutionary algorithms and swarm intelligence.…

Active, Closed for joining

The proposal aims to address the issue of the expensive and inaccessible research publishing industry by leveraging modern internet-based social technology to create an open reviewing and quality-ranking web portal. The portal will facilitate manuscript submission and an automated,…

Active, Closed for joining

Ensuring healthy vision in infants requires early detection of potential problems. Current Infant Visual Function Measurement Systems built in previous GSOC 22 and GSOC 23 are efficient and robust solutions but are limited by difficulties with infant cooperation and shortcomings in…

Active, Closed for joining

The annotation of research data is essential to ensure its findability and reusability. High-quality data annotations require domain expertise, so that annotations are relevant, but also specific technical skills, such as knowing how to handle JSON/XML files. Additionally, people are…

Active, Closed for joining

The proposal involves contributing to the LORIS codebase, a pivotal resource for neuroscience research. LORIS plays a crucial role in facilitating Open Science and advancing global research by offering an open-stack platform for the management of diverse medical data. My work will…

Active, Closed for joining

SciCommons aims to revolutionize academic publishing by providing an open peer review platform. The current system faces challenges such as time constraints and limited reviewer capacity. SciCommons addresses these by allowing any user to review, comment, and rate research articles,…

Active, Closed for joining

I am proposing a project for Google Summer of Code to develop an interactive SWC to NeuroML converter in Python. The converter will simplify the conversion of the widely used SWC format to the NeuroML standard for biophysically detailed neuronal models. The project will include an…

Active, Closed for joining

The Human Neocortical Neurosolver (HNN) is a computational tool that enables scientists to study brain responses at the cellular and circuit levels. However, the current version of HNN-core has a limitation in that it cannot simulate large batches of simulations. This hinders the…


Agent-based Models (ABM) use both first-person and third-person perspectives. This project aims to develop an AR/VR experiment application which is compatible with all devices such as Meta quest and Web XR. This will in turn allow learners and researchers from around the world to…


DevoGraph has two stages to build a graph neural network (GNN): stage 1 is to extract centroids and we feed this to stage 2 to build a GNN. However, DevoLearn does not properly segment when cells are densely located, and thus, the volume cannot be extracted. We therefore propose a new…


This project requires building a new Structural Connectivity Editor Widget. It will have the following features (but not limited to): display connectivity matrix, normalize matrix, resect connections, resect nodes, change connection weights, and save the resultant connectivity. It will…


Matching papers to reviewers based on topics is a crucial task for the Neurons, Behavior, Data Analysis, and Theory (NBDT) journal. However, the current automatic reviewer assignment tool that uses SciBERT embeddings, cosine similarity, and linear programming may not capture the…


The measurement of visual function in infants and young children is crucial for early detection and treatment of eye conditions that can lead to visual deprivation and affect visual development. However, the limited cooperation and inability to provide verbal responses in infants make…


This project is geared towards improving the Longitudinal Online Research and Imaging System (LORIS) data platform, the web-based data and project management software for neuroimaging research studies.


The idea of the project is to develop IO routines adapted from Human Neocortical Neurosolver (HNN)-core objects while maintaining backwards compatibility with HNN-GUI. The requirement is to save various objects in newer formats while having capability to read both new and old formats.…


The proposed project aims to address the sustainability challenges faced by open-source software projects by using an agent-based modelling and simulation approach. Open-source projects often face issues such as limited resources, difficulty in attracting and retaining contributors,…


This project’s objective is to improve the overall GUI design and user experience of the AnalySim platform. From design to functionality, various features will be examined and either replaced or modified to enhance users’ interaction with datasets, code, and site navigation.


We are trying to solve the difficulty of collaboration among multiple users working on large datasets, particularly in analyzing datasets with many parameters and essential features that need to be filtered, measured, and analyzed. The solution is AnalySim, a data-sharing platform that…


The currently available open-review portal helps in reviewing the research articles, By facilitating official reviewers to comment on the research article. This may be a time-consuming process and as the number of submitted articles increases, it would be difficult for a small group of…


ASSR refers to the cortical entrainment to frequency and phase of an auditory signal that is presented in a fixed “train of clicks”, in a gamma range rhythm (40 Hz). A hallmark of schizophrenia is a reduction in ASSR; this project aims at reproducing this phenomenon using an auditory…


This project is about using Graph Neural Networks(GNNs) as a method to discover underlying connectivity to characterize a growing network that undergoes shape as well as size transformations for C. elegans. There are three parts to this project, all of which aim to integrate previous…


Biologically detailed models are essential tools in neuroscience, and automated methods are frequently used to build and validate such models based on experimental data. The open-source parameter optimization software Neuroptimus was developed to enable easy application of advanced…


Activity patterns of neurons have so far been examined both singly and in pairs. Higher order interactions (HOIs), or non-pairwise interactions between neurons, are being studied in an effort to improve analysis. The type and quantity of information stored in groups (pairs or…


To promote transparency and enable the reuse of the data for subsequent studies, neuroscientists are increasingly making their experimental datasets available to the public. However, these dataset are often not in an accessible format, which makes it difficult for other researchers to…


The Human Neocortical Neurosolver (HNN) is open-source, computational neural modeling software that allows us to examine the cellular- and circuit-level basis of brain responses. HNN requires the hand-tuning of a large set of parameters until a close fit between simulated and recorded…


The International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the field of neuroscience and neuroinformatics. They strive to establish and promote standards and best practices that are open, fair, and citable. INCF provides…


The Turing Way is an open source, open collaboration and community-led handbook on data science. The book is hosted online in a browsable format. Over the last four years, the book has grown significantly, making it challenging to navigate. The team created a Python package in 2022 to…


This project aims to extend Pydra's worker classes to handle a wider range of systems by utilizing PSI/J, which offers a unified API for various schedulers. The objective of this project is to create a Pydra worker class capable of submitting and monitor jobs on different HPC systems,…


This project involves creating a VS Code extension that provides enhanced support for the Brian2 neural simulator. The extension aims to improve the user experience and productivity of those working with Brian2 by offering syntax highlighting, syntax checking, auto-completion, and…


The Virtual Brain (TVB) is a scientific simulation platform that provides all means to generate, manipulate and visualize connectivity and network dynamics of the brain networks. Researchers in Computational Neuroscience use brain network models to understand the dynamic behavior of…


The feature space and the classification results produced by the platform are stored in several separate files. The idea is that the types and values of image features and classification outcomes would be stored in an SQLite database for cross-comparisons between sessions. The…


LORIS (Longitudinal Online Research and Imaging System) is a web-based data and project management software for neuroimaging research studies. It is an open source framework for storing and processing behavioural, clinical, neuroimaging and genetic data. LORIS also makes it…


The Virtual Brain (TVB) is a neuroinformatics platform for full brain network simulations using biologically realistic connectivity. It enables the model-based inference of neurophysiological mechanisms across different brain scales that underlie the generation of macroscopic…


Open Source Brain is an online resource for sharing and collaboratively developing computational models of neural systems. Learn more at:


Bhalla lab develops and maintains the simulator MOOSE, the Multiscale Object-Oriented Simulation Environment. It is designed to simulate neural systems ranging from biochemical signaling to complex models of single neurons, circuits, and large networks. A typical use case is to model…


ImageJ is a public domain Java image processing program extensively used in life sciences. The program was designed with an open architecture that provides extensibility via Java plugins.  User-written plugins make it possible to solve almost any image processing or analysis…


GeNN is a GPU enhanced Neuronal Network simulation environment based on NVIDIA CUDA technology. Learn more at:


The INCF German Node (G-Node) provides various services and tools to facilitate data access, data management, and data sharing. Focusing on the development and free distribution of tools for handling and analyzing neurophysiological data. Learn more:…


BRIAN is a free, open source simulator for spiking neural networks. It is written in the Python programming language and is available on almost all platforms. BRIAN is designed to be easy to learn and use, highly flexible, and easily extensible. Learn more at:…


We measure and evaluate electrical activity in the human brain and investigate human behavior in stressful and repetitive situations. We provide services for the collection, storage, description, analysis and sharing of large data sets from biomedicine, particularly the signals from…


When The Virtual Brain(TVB) runs simulations on cortical surfaces, we need to be able and compute geodesic distances (distance on the surface) instead of the trivial Euclidean distances. For this calculus, we have a small C++ library, which had become outdated. We need to:…


The SciUnit framework was developed to help researchers create unit tests for scientific models. Currently, unit tests exist for models of single neurons and small networks thereof. However, unit tests for models concerned with large-scale brain network dynamics, such as meso-scale,…


Primary Goals

● To create a basic GUI interface for the reconstruction pipeline which gives the ability to users to provide input data, choose configurations, identify the outputs, and check logs in case of any problem which occurs during the whole process.…


This project is about unit tests for brains with SciUnit. We want to evaluate the strength of various models and select them among competitors for analyzing brain data.

The FitzHugh-Nagumo model (FHN) lets us study spike generation in squid giant axons using a 2-dimensional…

  • Currently, XNAT comes with a native built-in GUI. This project will provide a dashboard framework to allow users to easily develop responsive dashboards, for exploring, monitoring, and reviewing datasets stored on any XNAT instance.


The Workflow Designer is a prototype web-based application allowing drag-and-drop creating, editing, and running workflows from a predefined library of methods. Moreover, any workflow can be exported or imported in JSON format to ensure reusability and local execution of…


Recent advances in the field of computer vision and deep learning has shown great promise in their ability to decipher images and derive inferences involving classifications, detection of objects and approximation of certain values with high accuracy. 



Neuroscience data comes in multiple different data formats and structures. These differences provide a major technical barrier to sharing data between labs or even within labs. Often the organization and naming conventions of neuroscience data structures …


In any open-source organization, one of the key factors to grow is how many people are involved in it. I have introduced OpenWorm in many conferences and meetups and everyone was interested in contributing to it. Many new members have also joined OpenWorm Slack in recent days…


Image registration is the process of finding a transformation that aligns one image to another. DIPY currently supports several numerical optimization-based techniques for image registration. Even though these methods perform well, they are limited by their slow registration speeds.…


“LORIS (Longitudinal Online Research and Imaging System), a web-based data and project management software for neuroimaging research studies”

( ). It is a very convenient tool…


LORIS is a web application used to manage as well as host, and visualize data with a focus on neuroscience and genomics (among other fields). Services are split into different modules offered to researchers. Frontend is written in javascript, allowing it to:


LORIS is an open-source framework that facilitates data sharing for neuroscience labs and sites. It hosts both frontend and backend services that help facilitate data sharing and manipulation among researchers. The codebase includes many modules that perform different functionalities.…


Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) depicts changes in deoxyhemoglobin concentration consequent to task-induced or spontaneous modulation of neural metabolism. An increase in neural activity corresponds to a local increase in oxygenated…


Brian is a spiking neural networks simulator, which provides desirable syntactic sugar and flexibility to allow a wide variety of models without compromising rapidity. With a plethora of different sets of governing equations, neuronal models with complex biophysical properties,…


ImageJ is an open source Java image processing and analysis library used extensively in biomedical sciences. Active Segmentation is a plugin providing user interface to scientists, allowing them to use Machine Learning algorithms for segmentation and classification tasks. The aim…


Conversion of large scale cortical models into PyNN/NeuroML involves the conversion of published large scale network models into open, simulator independent and testing them across multiple simulator implementations. In the previous edition of GSOC the large scale network model for the…


The project aims to provide a robust mechanism for cell tracking using 2D raw image objects. Through the use of Mean Square Distance method the potential object displacements will be calculated. Another set of images will be fed as time lapse protocol. Trajectory estimate…


GeNN is a GPU-enhanced Neuronal Network simulation package in C++, that combines the ease of code generation, primarily for the purpose of setting up the parameters of the simulation through a model definition, with the flexibility of user-defined code, to actually run the simulation…


Time series analysis methods are regularly being developed and we don’t have any resources at present that compare the newly developed method with the methods that already exist to help the user determine the similarity between new and pre-existing methods. In this project, we are…


Psychiatric disorders are diagnosed based on symptom scores from clinical interviews, there are no existing gold standards that can be used for definitive validation. Brain functional neuroimaging techniques including functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI…