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A natural language interface for querying federated research data

Active, Closed for joining

Contributor: Raya Chakravarty

Mentors: JB Poline, Arman Jahanpour, Sebastian Urchs, Alyssa Dai, bcmcpher


Neurobagel is a federated data ecosystem that allows researchers and other data users to find and consume research data that has to remain at their original institute for data governance reasons. It helps researchers connect a local neuroimaging dataset with others in a decentralized framework using linked data principles. Currently, the researcher or the data user has to answer a number of queries to get the desired results and it often requires iteration. My aim would be to make this search process more user-friendly by adding an LLM style chatbot interface. This is to be done by utilizing large language models that will be able to interpret the user prompts and initiate the API calls accurately giving the user the desired results.

Completed Deliverables
  • Make the Neurobagel search process more user-friendly by adding an LLM style chatbot interfac