INCF Czech Node Working Group
- Petr Jezek, University of West Bohemia
- Roman Mouček, University of West Bohemia
We measure and evaluate electrical activity in the human brain and investigate human behavior in stressful and repetitive situations. We provide services for the collection, storage, description, analysis and sharing of large data sets from biomedicine, particularly the signals from EEG, ECG and other bio sensors. We specialize in the collection and evaluation of brain event related potentials (ERP). Learn more at:…
This Working Group is sponsored by the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program, a global program focused on bringing more student developers into open source software development by pairing them to work with an open source organization on a programming project during their break from school. Membership to this working group is not limited to participants in the GSoC program. All interested parties are encouraged to participate.
Rahul Kadyan, GSoC student, 2014
Isuru Chamara, GSoC student, 2015
Ipsita Chamal, GSoC student, 2016
Joey Pinto, GSoC student, 2018
Yijie Huang, GSoC student, 2019

Advance the EEGBase, a web based portal for storage, annotation, management, analysis, and sharing of electrophysiology data.