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Neuroethics webinar series

Neuroethics webinar series

In recognition of the ethical issues raised by advancements in neuroinformatics, INCF has partnered with the International Neuroethics Society (INS) to deliver a webinar series to advance ethical practices in neuroscience and neuroinformatics research. The webinar series organized by the Emerging Issues Task Force and will be streamed live by INS once a month, from January to June, 2021. INCF will make the recordings available on demand as a part of the neuroethics collection on the INCF TrainingSpace platform. The webinar series partnership is part of INCF’s efforts to develop and curate educational materials in neuroethics are supported by a generous grant from the Dana Foundation.

Upcoming webinars


Wednesday, January 27
12:00–1:00pm EST


Choose Your Own Device: Do-It-Yourself Neuromodulation Panel Discussion exploring neurotechnologies such as transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and electroencephalogram (EEG) headsets and their ability to change the way we understand and alter our brains. Particular attention will be given to the use of neurotechnology by everyday people and the implications this has for regulatory oversight and citizen neuroscience.

- Marcello Ienca, ETH Zurich
- Karola Kreitmair, University of Wisconsin–Madison
- Anna Wexler, University of Pennsylvania
- Ishan Dasgupta, University of Washington (moderator)

Thursday, February 25
Time: TBD

Scientific Oppression, Biological Reductionism, and the Future of Neurotechnology Panel Discussion a stimulating 90-minute discussion with panelists sharing their unique perspectives on what role neurotechnology and technologists could play in exacerbating or thwarting scientific oppression.